✅ 食用功效:开胃润肺,养肺止咳,益胃生津,健脾开胃,增强体力
✅ 产品重量: 80g±
✅ 食用分量:3 - 5人份 (3 - 5 Pax)
✅ 材料:无硫沙参,精选无硫党参, 无硫特级玉竹,无硫河南淮山片,宁夏枸杞,泰国5A龙眼干
✅ 适合人群:男女老少皆宜。不适合孕妇或月经、感冒或发烧期间饮用
Suitable for all ages. Not suitable during pregnancy, menstrual, cold or fever.
🍅 烹调方法 🍅
步骤 1:汤料用水冲洗干净后,加入1.5L-2L清水放入锅。
步骤 2:把肉类清洗后备用。如用鸡骨或猪骨就要汆水备用。
步骤 3:放入洗干净的鸡/骨肉类后, 小火烹饪2.5-3小时。
步骤 4:依照喜好调味即可食用。
🍅 Preparation Method 🍅
STEP 1: Rinse and pour all the ingredients into pot.
STEP 2: Soak chicken/pork bone in boiled water to remove blood and residue.
STEP 3: Add 1.5L-2L water, bring to boil with meat or ribs and simmer with low heat for 2.5-3 hours.
STEP 4: Add salt or seasonings to your liking.
⚠️ 本店药材大部分为无硫磺药材,建议存放于冰箱以达到有效的保鲜效果。 Our herbs are mostly sulfur-free herbs and freshly packed. Please store in the fridge maintain its freshness.
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